Category: BLOG



    What is peace? Firstly, peace has to do with calmness, quietness around our lives, our state of mind, family, relationships, and others. Is it possible to have this calmness or peace around you in this very troubled world full of ups and downs? Sometimes we just want to have our space, be on our own,…

  • Moulding your dreams

    Moulding your dreams

    Before you think of moulding your dreams, you need to know what your dreams are which could also mean your calling, passion, etc. Life is like a journey, you begin moving until you reach the end. What makes you successful is determined by which path you chose while on your journey. There are two paths…

  • Before you give up, Wait and read this on depression

    Before you give up, Wait and read this on depression

      What is depression? People have various ideas and myths about depression. Depression is a mental health condition and has a lot to do with ones mood. According to WHO, “Depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy, accompanied by an inability…

  • Love


    What is love? Love is very powerful, do you know that it is as strong as death? songs of Solomon 8:6 To love others, you have to know how to love yourself. This does not mean that you are selfish or self-centered. People that love themselves go far in life. Some examples of how you know…

  • keep moving, No parking, No waiting

    keep moving, No parking, No waiting

    NO PARKING, NO WAITING, KEEP MOVING. Have you found your purpose on earth? Do you know your reason for living? Have you found your passion on earth? Well, If the answer is yes, then no parking, no waiting, keep moving. If you have, lets journey on, but if you have not, hang in there as…

  • Develop yourself and be the best you can be

    Develop yourself and be the best you can be

    Develop yourself. Some people have no idea who they really are. They have allowed situations and circumstances to change them to this entirely different person ( in a negative way). Some are just floating, wherever the breeze of life blows them, they go along. Some have been so dealt with that they almost have no self-esteem and…