Category: BLOG

  • The Body of Man

    The Body of Man

    Man is a spirit, he has a soul and he lives in the body. It is therefore safe to say that the body enables man to have physical contact with earth. Spiritual beings without bodies are not seen with the natural eyes only if God opens our spiritual eyes.  There have been numerous encounters of…

  • The Soul of Man

    The Soul of Man

    The soul of man is made up of the intellect, feelings/emotions, and the mind. The soul is between the spirit and the body of man. This is the area where ideas are gotten and developed. The mind is very powerful even though it may not seem so when compared with the spirit and body. This…

  • The Spirit of Man

    The Spirit of Man

    How was man created? Genesis 2: 7, “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”. This breath of life is the spirit man. It is because of the spirit man that man is actually…

  • The spirit, soul, and body of a man

    The spirit, soul, and body of a man

    Principally, man is a spirit, he has a soul and lives in the body. Adam and Eve were highly spiritual to the extent of communicating fluently with God. They became naturally minded when the separation came as a result of disobedience making them more in tune with their flesh. When children are born, they are…

  • Love your neighbour

    Love your neighbour

    This is one of the commandments Jesus gave us. He says to love God first and then our neighbours as ourselves. The last post discussed how we should love ourselves because without doing so, we will have no love to extend to our neighbours. What does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself? This…

  • Love yourself, take care of yourself.

    Love yourself, take care of yourself.

    Some people see taking care of one’s self as being selfish. This is a wrong perception. Being selfish means you concentrate only on yourself and things that belong to you (e.g family) forgetting others. This is not the same as taking good care of yourself. So many even see this as a sin. This is…

  • Importance and principles of love

    Importance and principles of love

    I will be writing on the importance of love in this post. Man is very unstable. We are still learning about the love of God. Once we understand God’s love and begin to walk in it, and then graduate to the fullness of His love, we would then become all that God wants us to…

  • The Love God has for Man.

    When people complain about the “harsh” decisions God made in the old testament I wonder how easy it is for them to pick the situation out of context. Thank God for being the creator of the universe and for loving man so much that He made us in His very image and likeness. If we…

  • Agape love, the power of love.

    Love is said to be as strong as death (Songs of Solomon 8: 6). God is the epitome of love. He keeps showing us what true love is and this cannot be exhausted. One thing that is ever- present in Heaven is love and this cannot be seen in hell. Love is priceless and comes…

  • Retaining your healing

    Once we receive our healing, it’s important that it remains with us. The reason being that the devil will want to take it away. I have heard stories of how people get healed, later it came back and the person ended up dying from it. What happened? Reasons why people lose their healing They are…