Category: Uncategorized

  • Godly: Is running after wealth okay? Part 3

    Godly: Is running after wealth okay? Part 3

    How to get godly wealth. What is the need of going after godly wealth when at the end of the day, it will all be left behind on earth? Solomon lamented, “vanity upon vanity, all is vanity”. Although wealth will be left on earth, there are still some spiritual transactions we can do on earth…

  • Friend: It’s okay not to have many friends

    Friend: It’s okay not to have many friends

    This post is about the type of friend on has, whether having few friends is okay. Jane, a Lawyer in one of the most prestigious universities was narrating how life has been for her so far. Jane has had her own fair share when it comes to relationships with people. Growing up, she was a…

  • Wise: Beware of the Company you keep 5

    Wise: Beware of the Company you keep 5

    The saying, “the company you keep determines what accompanies you” is very true. If one keeps company with the wise even though he is not, he will become wise. So also, if one who is already wise parties along with the foolish, slowly he will start to reason like them. Mind those who you call…

  • Girl: Beware of the Company you keep IV

    Girl: Beware of the Company you keep IV

    Tale finally made his decision. He joined them in the robbery and didn’t make it alive. To access the previous part of the story, check here. A number of people have been in this category unfortunately, they didn’t live to tell their story. Those that escaped, still have the scars to show for it. The…

  • Tale: Beware of the Company you keep III

    Tale: Beware of the Company you keep III

    Tale was still pondering on the way forward when one of the gang members came to visit him and persuaded him not to leave the gang. He told Tale not to worry that with time, everyone will find his own route. What he meant was that some of them will someday need to travel out…

  • Gang: Beware of the Company you keep II

    Gang: Beware of the Company you keep II

    Tale became concerned at the statement the head of the gang made. He felt like a heavy load was on his head, he desperately needed help. All along he thought these gang people were his friends, that he could just come and go anytime he wanted. This opened his eyes to see life in a…

  • Light: Let Your Light Shine

    Light: Let Your Light Shine

    We have been given an order by God to let our light shine so that men will see our good works and glorify our Father who is in Heaven (Matthew 5: 16).  Now, it’s only one who knows that he/ she is entitled to light that is able to accomplish this commandment. In the world…

  • Relationship: Why some Christians still fear the devil

    Relationship: Why some Christians still fear the devil

    People still fear the devil and what he brings because they don’t have a healthy relationship with the true God. This has nothing to do with being religious and going to church. The Word of God says in Philippians 4: 13 that, “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. While this…

  • Joy Comes in the Morning

    Joy Comes in the Morning

    After passing through the night of hardship, sorrow, it’s just normal for joy to show up in the morning because the Word of God says so. Your Joy and my Joy has come. It’s finally HERE. In the journey of life, there are trials and tests that we all go through but this becomes abnormal…

  • Bad Choices: Stop Making Excuses for Bad Choices

    Bad Choices: Stop Making Excuses for Bad Choices

    At an early age as little children, we didn’t know much about making good or bad choices. We had a common ground and common opportunity of fulfilling our destiny in life regardless of the situation or circumstance surrounding our birth.  As life went one, things began to change. We started seeing things through the eyes…