Category: Uncategorized

  • Lord: Where do we run to with COVID 19

    Lord: Where do we run to with COVID 19

    The Lord God in the midst of thee is mighty. Before the onset of COVID 19, the human race was quite busy. Busy going to work, shopping, traveling, being in a hurry to get things done. Many didn’t have time for God, they were too busy working. The number of evil occurrences happening in the…

  • Fear, the weapon of the devil

    Fear, the weapon of the devil

    Fear as some people will say is false evidence appearing real. In such cases, you will be seeing or hearing things happening but the line between such things coming to pass or not is very thin. Faith is what makes an evil deed not to come to pass while fear makes evil occurrences happen. One…

  • Source: Deal with the Source and not the Symptoms

    Source: Deal with the Source and not the Symptoms

    Once the source is dealt with, every other symptom will disappear. This post is about dealing with the source. First and foremost what do I mean by the source? A source could be an origin or foundation of something. This can be linked to various areas of our lives such as health, business, careers, relationship…

  • Trial: What Lesson did you learn from a Trial?

    Trial: What Lesson did you learn from a Trial?

    Trial periods are periods to learn. There was a point in my life where I went through a series of tests, trials at a close range. I began to wonder if I was the only person going through such which definitely i’m not. People were just picking on me, using one as a scapegoat even…

  • Illustration of Faith with respect to Mentality and Declaration

    Illustration of Faith with respect to Mentality and Declaration

    This post is about having the right mentality and declaration for Faith to work. A lot has been said about Faith in the previous posts like defining Faith. Also, other substances to be added to our Faith in order for it to work, reasons why Faith may not be working in people’s lives and the…

  • Bible: The Evidence of Faith

    Bible: The Evidence of Faith

    If Bible Faith had no evidence, people would not be interested in it. Those who apply rules on Faith appropriately will always get results. Smith Wigglesworth once said that there is something about Faith that makes God pass a million people just to get to one person. This is how essential Faith is. Benefits of…

  • Work: Necessary Ingredients that require Faith to Work.

    Work: Necessary Ingredients that require Faith to Work.

    Faith without work is dead. The last post I wrote on Faith, I spoke on salvation i.e accepting Jesus as your Lord and savior. Salvation is very important to even have Faith. I will write further on the others in this post. Firstly, it is important to remind ourselves about what Faith is. Faith is…

  • War: Waring with oppositions: Taking what belongs to you ll

    War: Waring with oppositions: Taking what belongs to you ll

    Waring with oppositions (Taking what belongs to you) For everyone on earth, there are things we need to do at each point of our lives and one of these is to war against oppositions in order to access what belongs to us in Christ. So many people are in bondage/ captivity. Some have been so…

  • Choose for things to follow you.

    Choose for things to follow you.

    Choose for things to follow you Our outcome in life is a result of the choices we make. You choose what follows you. just as you choose your friends, clothes, shoes, etc. that’s the same way we choose our path in life either consciously or subconsciously. What you choose defines you. Among other things, I…

  • Believers: To get something better you need to do something more.

    Believers: To get something better you need to do something more.

    When Believers are new in Christ i.e Baby Christians, things work out easily them. Whatever they ask God for is done sharply. They have various encounters with God that make them love God even more. As they begin to grow in Christ, things begin to change. God still answers them but more is needed to…