Category: Uncategorized

  • Health: When you’ve prayed for healing but no change is noticed

    Health: When you’ve prayed for healing but no change is noticed

    Health is wealth they say. As far as you are healthy, the sky is your limit. A large number of people are suffering from a series of health conditions. Doctors have told some that they have to live with it all their lives. While some are termed terminal health conditions, others are called chronic diseases.…

  • When you want a change not just encouragement

    When you want a change not just encouragement

    The more you realize that you are not alone, the better it gets but people want to see a change. People have heard words of encouragement like, “you are not alone” but they desire to see some changes. They want to see things happening. They need to know what to do to get out. No…

  • A Christian walk: Benefits of tithing 2

    Tithing is very important and necessary. Tithing is a command from God for our own benefit. we tithe so that things will not be tight around us. Unfortunately, some men and women of God don’t tithe rather they look for what they can receive. This is why they are still on the same spot despite…

  • A Christian walk: Benefits of being in Church

    A Christian walk: Benefits of being in Church

    There are benefits of going to church which a number of people don’t know about. As a Christian, Love is necessary. Love is the basis of all in the kingdom of God and love is the fulfilling of the law. A number of people fight, keep malice with others just because of some irrelevant thing…

  • Assignment: Do you prefer to do God’s will or yours?

    Assignment: Do you prefer to do God’s will or yours?

    For those that have read through my posts, you will notice that I have spoken about purpose or your assignment on earth. Knowing the plan of God for your life and doing it is vital. God created each and every one of us for a particular reason. People are not even aware that they are…

  • You are not a failure, so don’t quit

    You are not a failure, so don’t quit

    Failing at something doesn’t mean you are a failure. It means failing and refusing to walk past whatever that is. Yes, someone might fall many times but it’s the rising up that makes you victorious/ an overcomer. Now, as I wrote in previous posts, one must actually be in the will of God to fulfill…

  • Also, I am too loaded to fail

    Also, I am too loaded to fail

    Just in case someone has not told you this before, you are too loaded to fail. When God opens your eyes to see what He has put inside you, you will be very angry with yourself for feeling sad, or depressed. Also, every form of low self-esteem or wanting to be someone else will vanish.…

  • On my way to my next level

    On my way to my next level

    Have you ever heard the saying, “it is always darkest before dawn”? Before things get easy, before one moves to the next level in most cases, one would have gone through some dark times. For those who know their God, even in dark times, there is light.   Moving from one level to the next…

  • Can I make it to the top?

    Can I make it to the top?

    Can I make it to the top? someone might ask.  Everybody is meant for greatness. Nobody was created to be a mediocre. Why some people are making it more than others is because they are not scared to be all that God wants them to be. They know what it takes and have decided to…

  • Why people find it hard to believe in Healing.

    Why people find it hard to believe in Healing.

    Some people have not seen miracles before neither have some experienced healing. Some don’t even believe in miracles or healing but this can only take place according to your faith. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. By the help of God, I will be giving a brief explanation of who we were before,…