challenges: He makes all things beautiful in His time

Challenges: He Makes all things Beautiful in His Time

People who walk with God can testify of how situations and circumstances cleared off their path to the extent that it felt like it was never there.

It’s normal for believers to be challenged but abnormal for us to be defeated. Passing through life, trials will come. If one passes through life without having trials or challenges, one should be concerned. Some people have been through a trial which resulted in them overcoming and this has changed their perspective of life and how to handle situations.

Having the same situation repeat itself will make the overcoming much easier all with the help of God. Some have entered the class of not knowing when challenges come. This does not mean that they don’t have it but it doesn’t bother them at all and know exactly how to handle it.

One thing I’ve noticed is, trials/ challenges are to prepare us for our next level. For every great position in life, there are greater levels of devils there.

I Corinthians 16: 9 says, “ for a great and effectual door is open unto me, and there are many adversaries. There are many adversaries because of the great and effectual door that has been opened.

Facing Challenges

One important way by which we are able to face challenges squarely is doing what God’s Word tells us to do in every situation we find ourselves. Search the scripture regarding that area of concern to you, look for what God tells you to do and do it. There are always instructions in the Word of God that tells us what to do in order to receive our desired testimony. Some of such instructions are;

1 Peter 5: 7; Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. The instruction here is to cast all your care upon him.

Another can be seen in Philippians 4: 6- 7 which says, “

6 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

In most cases, we find it hard to obey these instructions. We’ll go like, “ is it possible not to worry?”

Verse 6 is the instruction while verse 7 tells us about the peace we would enjoy if we obey the instruction. Putting this into practice is what will make you believe that it works but if you don’t, expect nothing in return.

An example of trials could be a delay in an aspect of one’s life or a form of sickness/ disease. One thing we should always bear in mind is, there is no IMPOSSIBLE case with God. Delay is not denial.

An example of a delay/ Challenge

I know of someone who waited for years before gaining admission into the university. His secondary school/ high school mates were already in college. In this part of the world, once one finishes secondary school it’s almost mandatory that you go to college especially if you have learned parents that can afford it.

Back to my story, this boy had to wait for sometime before entering the university. Unknowing to him, God had greater plans for him that needed him to be more mature before entering college. At first, he was angry and bitter about all that had been happening around him.  Finally, he tried to cool off and listen to what God had to say. It was at this stage that he began to hear what God had to say concerning him. To cut the story short he finally gained admission, entered the profession God gave him and then he finished well.

His friends that entered school before him, some fell along the way i.e ended up not graduating, some had to change courses because they were not doing well and so on.


Final lesson

It’s at the end of everything we see clearly what God had install for us that necessitated us passing through some particular situations in life.

It is also important to know that some of these situations could look like the “devil having his way” but it’s actually God using the evil plans of the enemy in our favour.

The boy in my story was seen by his friends as not being intelligent little did they know that God had bigger plans for him. The way we humans see things is different from the way God sees things. People wouldn’t mind going for anything but God wants us to have the real things all he requires from us is obedience and patience.

No matter what the situation may be, keep following His leading because He makes ALL things beautiful in His time.

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Stay Blessed

Chidinma Oluchi.


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